Effectively tackling any bullying behaviour that takes place at More Park is always a top priority. This is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure that all of our pupils feel safe and happy at school.
We currently have 11 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors from years 5 and 6 who have demonstrated their dedication to the role and have been trained by Miss Cole. Wearing blue high-vis jackets, they are easy to spot on the playground or field for children to approach should they encounter any difficulties. ABC club, (anti-bullying club), is run daily during lunchtime for children experiencing friendship concerns or playtime issues. There are books, games and colouring activities to engage with whist talking through any worries with an Anti-Bullying Ambassador.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors promote kindness and present kindness awards to pupils and staff during celebration assemblies every week.
The anti-bullying ambassadors regularly speak in assemblies to make sure that all of the children know who they are and to spread the anti-bullying message. They also make sure we know:
The anti-bullying ambassadors worked together to create our child friendly anti-bullying policy. This is displayed in every classroom and in others key areas of the school.