Welcome to Caterpillar class!
Our topic for term 3 is Fire! Fire!
We will be looking at the Great Fire of London. Previously, the children enjoyed learning about visiting West Malling and last term we learnt about London. This term we will look at the Great Fire of London. How it started, why it spread and how we can prevent such events happening again. In science, we will be learning about Animals including Humans. We will be looking at, exploring, noticing and using scientific language to group a variety of Animals. We will be reading narratives including The Gingerbread Man and Vlad and the Great Fire of London. We will also focus on repetition, rhyme and choral poetry this term through London's burning and London Bridge is falling down! Through DT and Computing, we will be cooking and creating videos. Our RE topic will be Mary, Mother of God. We will read the story of Mary being visited by the Angle Gabriel, the story of Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth, the story of the birth of Jesus as well as reflecting on how we prepare to celebrate his birth. Our gospel values this term are kindness and thoughtfulness. In RE, our topic this term is Families and Celebrations. We will be thinking about what what it means to be part of a family, how we belong to a church family as well as reading the story of Jesus in the Temple. Our Gospel value this term is Peace and Hope.
We are fortunate to have a great team at More Park. Mrs Champkins will be in the classroom on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Bale will be in the classroom on a Thursday and Friday. We will also have Mrs de la Hoyde during the mornings and Mrs Agaj or Mrs Dowd during the afternoons.
Please ensure that all uniform, PE kit, coats, hats, scarves and gloves are labelled. This makes it easier for the children to find their belongings independently and helps return lost uniform quickly. PE kits need to be in school every day and will be returned at the end of the term. PE will take place every Friday afternoon and the children will visit Forest school on a Wednesday afternoon during Term 3.
Drink and snack
Please send in a named water bottle daily and these will be returned daily. Please send them in filled and they will be replenished when necessary during the day. Please ensure lunch boxes are named as well as some of the children have the same lunch boxes. A fruit snack for morning break time is provided at school.
Reading/ Spellings
Books will be changed every Wednesday. We will send four books for your child to read over the course of the week, including two Little Wandle books and two sharing books. Children are expected to read a minimum of five times a week and we encourage you to ask questions alongside to support their understanding of the text. Spellings will continue to be sent home on Friday to be tested the following Friday. A sheet to practice spellings throughout the week will also be sent home weekly.