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More Park

Catholic Primary School

Early Years

Our Reception classroom is where our youngest learners begin their school journey. Ladybird Class is a cosy, nurturing environment, perfect for those first steps into school life!


The class itself is laid out in zones, perfect for supporting the children in their personal interests, through a combination of teacher directed and child-initiated learning opportunities.



A child's first step into school life is a big milestone for both parents and children, so it is our main aim, with the help of God, to support and nurture your child into their primary education years. We know that before academic learning can be embedded, children need to feel safe and secure, so that is our first priority. We aim to equip all children with the reading, writing and mathematical skills to succeed working within the National Curriculum, whilst nurturing the key characteristics of effective learning through varied child led experiences (playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically). Straight away, children are welcomed into our school family, where they will feel a sense of belonging and of being part of our larger school community.



In Reception, children are taught in line with the Early Years 'Development Matters' framework guidance. This broad framework ensures that children are given opportunities to develop skills and interests in all areas, allowing their individual personalities to shine. The framework areas are as follow:


  • Communication and Language
    • Listening, attention and understanding
    • Speaking
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    • Self-regulation
    • Managing self
    • Building relationships
  • Physical Development
    • Gross motor skills
    • Fine motor skills
  • Literacy
    • Comprehension
    • Word reading
    • Writing
  • Mathematics
    • Number
    • Numerical patterns
  • Understanding the World
    • Past and present
    • People, culture and communities
    • The natural world
  • Expressive Arts and Design
    • Creating with materials
    • Being imaginative and expressive.


At More Park, we teach Phonics using 'Little Wandle', which is a government validated phonics scheme. Throughout their reception year, children gradually learn letter names, sounds and tricky words, building all of the skills required to read and write successfully. Phonics lessons are carefully scaffolded to ensure continuous progression and achievement. In each phonics lesson, children are taught to segment and blend using the sounds they have learnt, so that reading and writing skills are gradually built throughout the year. Children are regularly heard reading on a one-to-one basis and participate in group reading skills sessions three times a week, using the same 'Little Wandle' scheme to ensure continuity of practice.


Children are assessed in a number of ways throughout their time in Ladybird class. Assessment is always informal, often through photo observations of the child using our classroom IPADs, phonics tracker flashcard games, pupil voice or through their work in their topic books.

Parent Engagement:

We know that parents are our biggest tool in supporting our young learners, which is why we put such a large emphasis on parent involvement from the very first day of school. When your child starts school, you will be invited to one of our informal, informative meetings all about how you can help us to support your child. Then, throughout the year, we will provide you with small, individualised targets for your child to work on with you at home. You will also be regularly informed of personalised phonics sounds practice as a result of our fun 'Phonics Tracker' flashcard games. Finally, we hold 'stay and play' sessions every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon for parents who want to immerse themselves into the Early Years experience!



The Early Years framework underpins all of the children's future learning, both academically and spiritually. Children will finish their Reception year with all of the skills required to move forward on their learning journey, feeling secure and at home within the More Park school family community.


Please join us for our Jubilee 'Year of Hope' Mass on Friday 24th January.
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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
