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More Park

Catholic Primary School

SEN and inclusion

 More Park Catholic Primary School

Special Educational Needs and or Disability (SEND)


Statement of intent


"With Gods love, we do our best"


Mission Statement

More Park has Christ’s love at its heart. Working together with the Parish and home, to spread the Gospel values and making it a place where everyone learns to love and loves to learn.


At More Park we value each pupil and recognise the importance ensuring all pupils are provided with the opportunity to achieve their potential.  High expectations, careful planning to ensure work is matched to challenge pupil’s ability will support the majority of pupils. However, for some pupils they will require additional provision which is different or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age (SEN Code of Practice p.83)


We are committed to:

  • Working closely with parents and pupils as partners in learning and ensure regular meetings take place to monitor progress

  • Providing a clear understanding of pupils Special educational needs through assessing pupils effectively and using this information to facilitate appropriate provision.

  • Ensuring support is tailored to the needs of the pupil.

  • Detailing specific support on provision plans and sharing this information at parents evening.

  • Working with other professionals within education, health or additional services to ensure pupils receive the support they need


We recognise and value the importance of emotional wellbeing and are able to offer Play therapy and Drawing and Talking in a dedicated area of the school with our qualified therapist.



Mrs Katie Symington can be contacted in school via or on the school phone number 01732843047 / 01732847706

More Park Local Offer 2022


Supporting children with Special Educational Needs: Local Offer


What should I do if I have a concern about my child?

If you are worried about your child’s progress or think they might have any additional needs speak to your child’s teacher in the first instance. The Class teacher may suggest meeting with Mrs Symington (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator), however, if they do not suggest this and you are still worried request a meeting with Mrs Symington via the school office.


How will the school meet the needs of my Child?

At More Park we want all of our pupils to thrive and achieve the best they can. Class teachers complete detailed weekly plans that will be differentiated to meet the needs of each child in the class. Provision maps are also completed detailing specific interventions. Assessments take place regularly to monitor progress or identify and potential barriers to learning. For those children requiring additional support they will have a personalised plan specifically designed to meet their particular needs. Provision Maps and Personalised Plans will be shared with parents during consultation evenings and any additional meetings that take place.  We aim to be fully inclusive and all children will be invited to participate in all activities we offer, should a child require extra support to facilitate this we will work with parents to ensure this happens.


How will I be informed about the progress of my child?

We hold two consultation evenings each year and a detailed report is sent home at the end of the academic year. Additional to this pupil progress reports are sent home pupil progress reports twice a year (November and February) and this will provide an indication of how well your child is doing in relation to national expectations. For children on the Special Educational Needs Register, their parents will be invited to additional meetings with Mrs Symington and other professionals who may be overseeing support for your child (for example Speech/ Occupational therapists). During this meeting we will review and amend your child’s personalised plan and assess their progress towards specific targets. If you are concerned at any other time book an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher. If we are concerned about your child’s development we will request a meeting to discuss how we can work together to identify and support needs.


How is the support for my child decided?

Mrs Symington works with class teachers and teaching assistants to produce support plans for children which detail specific support needed to enable pupils to make progress. Staffing is designed to facilitate this support and is decided by the school leadership team. Timetables are created to ensure the support detailed is actioned and interventions are tracked to allow us to review and modify the support as needed. 


What if my child requires additional resources?

We have a comprehensive range of resources to support children with additional needs. There are a range of resources readily available in class and in Mrs Symington’s office. At the planning stage of the support plan any reasonable additional resources will be agreed and sourced.

We are fortunate at More Park to be able to offer literacy support from our specialist reading teacher Mrs Allen, who not only provides targeted support for children but is also able to support class teachers in deciding the best support in class for children with literacy difficulties


How will you help me to support my child?

Parents of pupils, who require a personalised plan will meet with Mrs Symington and other key staff members and specialists as appropriate. Here we will be able to discuss what support is in place in school and how you are able to support this at home. Class teachers often set homework. If you find that your child is struggling with this, speak to the class teacher and they will offer support. For children requiring support from other professionals they will often send reports containing recommendations for home and school, these reports will be discussed during our meetings with you and will inform how we work together to provide ongoing support. We value pupil voice and actively encourage our pupils to share what they feel is or isn’t working we encourage this in a number of ways which are agreed with parents and the children beforehand


What is in place to support wellbeing?

We understand that happy children thrive and the well-being of our pupils has long been a priority at More Park. To this end Miss Cole is a qualified Play therapist and is our pupil welfare officer. She works with Mrs Symington and Mrs Seal to provide a range of emotional support for children as they need it. Miss Cole is able to provide support to families by signposting them to available support. Miss Cole is currently training as mental health lead for our school. Should you have any worries about the well-being of your child you are able to book an appointment with Miss Cole. Miss Cole, Mrs Seal and Mrs Symington form our pupil welfare team and the needs and wellbeing of pupils is reviewed regularly during these meetings.


What specialist support is available?

At More Park we are able to refer to the NHS Speech therapy service if we feel there is a speech and language need. Once a need has been identified we will implement support as identified. Should we require additional training for staff we will action this.  We are also able to refer to community paediatrics and the occupational therapy within the NHS. We have access to the Tonbridge and Malling Specialist Teacher Service. The Local Inclusion Forum Team meetings which are attended termly by Mrs Symington is also a forum for sharing good practice and resources.  Further support and training can also be accessed through the academy trust.



What training has staff received?

Staff training is matched to pupil need and staff attend training regularly as required. Staff skills are audited and updated to meet the needs of each cohort. Staff have training on a range of subject areas including Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Attachment and Trauma, Resilience, Lego therapy, and Speech and language needs.


What support is available for Transition?

Before your child starts at More Park, the class teachers will visit their Pre School to gain an understanding of your child’s needs. Following that parents are invited to new entrants meetings and children will be able to meet with their teacher, this usually happens twice. Following from this home visits (either in person or via Zoom) take place where you are able to discuss in detail your child and share any worries you may have. You tube videos are uploaded ready for the summer holidays to provide additional support, for example tour of the school. The videos will vary and be adapted to the needs of the cohort. For children who join from another school they will be invited for couple a taster day before starting and parents will be offered a meeting with Miss Cole and Mrs Symington to share any information or concerns. All New entrants will be given a transition book to help them prepare for their new school and these are also provided for children throughout the school who need them. For Pupils moving on to secondary school we liaise with all secondary schools. For pupils who require additional support we are able to facilitate this by arranging additional meetings for parents, arranging transition support in school or through organising additional visits as appropriate.


How Accessible is the school?

More park is fully accessible in school and around the premises. Where outdoor equipment may not be accessible to children with physical needs we would make adaptions as is necessary and safe to do so.


Where can I find further information?

You can contact the school directly and book an appointment with your child’s teacher and/or Mrs Symington. Special Educational needs information from the local authority can be found at:


Information regarding support available to families via Kent County Councils local offer can also be found at:

Directory Archive | My Family Our Needs


Support and guidance for parents can also be accessed by contacting Kent Parents and Carers together further details can be found on their website.

Home - Kent PACT (


Further impartial advice from parents can also be found by contacting IASK (Inclusion Advice Service Kent) Tel: 03000 413000


Welcome to all new families, both in Ladybirds and around the school
We’ve had 1 1 1 4 3 4 Visitors

Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
