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More Park

Catholic Primary School

Collective Worship

Collective Worship is an important part of who we are at More Park.  We pray and worship in a variety of ways at different times and different places.  We have whole school masses, masses with the parish, whole school and class liturgies led by both teachers and children. During Lockdown, we became innovative and conducted our various acts of worship via Zoom so everyone could be included, even those at home. We take our lead from the Church's liturgical year, helping our children to know and understand the teachings of the church and to reflect this in their daily life.  

Liturgical Dance


Liturgical dance is as a means to express worship, thanks, or adoration to God, or for telling a story or bringing a Christian message. The origins of Liturgical Dance can be found in the Bible; there are many examples in the Old Testament where dance was used to praise and worship God.


“Let them praise his name with dancing…Praise him with tambourine and dance…”3  

Psalms 149:3


Here at More Park, Liturgical Dance has become part of our pupil led worship within each class, whole class parent worships and End of RE Topic Celebrations.  Children and staff have embraced this method of praise and enjoy sharing it with each other. 

Holy Week 2023


This week we have followed in the path of Christ.  


On Monday we celebrated Palm Sunday with prayer and liturgy lead by children in Key Stage One. 


On Tuesday we gathered in candlelight in the hall for meditation and Washing of Hands. 


On Wednesday we gathered again in candlelight for meditation and to share bread, just like Jesus and the disciples did at the Last Supper. 


On Thursday the Year Six presented the Passion Play with words, scripture, acting and singing.  A very moving liturgy. 


On Friday we finished our Holy Week with a whole school mass, led by Father Peter and readings being said by Key Stage One.  Offertory gifts of a crown, a palm, a crucifix and the bread, the wine and the water were presented to Father Peter.  The crown representing Jesus as our King.  The Palm to remind us Jesus was welcomed as he rode into Jerusalem and the Crucifix reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Harvest Festival Mass


Led by Eagles class, this was a celebratory mass in the school hall.  Attended by a large group of Parents and congregation all the pupils join in giving thanks for the harvest and all the wonderful things we are lucky enough to receive.  We will also be sending all the non - perishable donations to the local Pilsdon community at West Malling.  More information about their work in the local community can be found by following this link:


October, month of the Holy Rosary


During the month of October we prayed the Rosary together.  Led by our RE Ambassadors, children recited the Rosary every lunchtime.


Year 3 pupils with their Rosary beads in the Prayer Garden



Advent started with the making of Advent Wreaths for all classes.  These were then used in class during RE lessons and provided a wonderful focus for Pupils throughout Advent.


Individual Penitential for KS2 pupils took place with Father Peter as well as a group Penitential for all the KS1 children, to help them to open their hearts in preparation for Christmas.


Our nativity service is a highlight of the school year, bringing together pupils, parents and the wider parish.  The children told the story of the birth of Christ through narration, prayers and beautiful singing.  It was a moving, thoughtful and joyful service


School Mass, led by Year 2, Dragonfly class, celebrated the end of term beautifully with Parents and St Thomas More congregation members joining in the hall.


Epiphany Mass


Year 6 led the school in Mass for Epiphany.  Attended by both parishioners and parents, we celebrated the end of the Christmas.

Candlemas 2022

On the 2nd February, the school took part in a Candlemas service led by Father Peter.    All the children brought in candles from home which were blessed at the end of the service.

Washing of Hands and Breaking of Bread


As part of bringing Easter week into the lives of all pupils we participate in the washing of hands and breaking of bread as part of a short assembly over the Tuesday and Wednesday prior to Good Friday.

Passion Play


Led by Year 6, the whole school participated in the  Passion Play for Parents and Parishioners.  A reverent, thoughtful but wonderfully inspiring performance from the whole of Eagles class, bought the true meaning of Easter into all out hearts during this final Easter week.


Crowning of Mary


To commemorate the Month of Mary, in May, and to encourage prayer the children attend a wonderful celebration of Mary.  Flowers are placed at Mary's feet during the service and all the children are given a Miraculous medal.  This year, the celebration was led by Year 4, Raven class.


After the celebration Year 6 presented the flowers to lavenders Residential care home, in West Malling, for all the residents to enjoy in their 'Morning Room'.

First Holy Communion


As our children approach their  First Communion over the coming weekends , as part of St Thomas More Parish, we offer our prayers for them as they take the next step on their journey in Christ. Our prayers are also extended to the children who, as part of other local parishes, will also be taking communion for the first time in the coming weeks.

Memorial Garden


Our Memorial Garden in school was blessed by Father Peter.  This wonderful quiet area supports children who wish to remember close relatives in a peaceful environment.  In conjunction with Sunshine day, the school also raises money annually for 'Slide Away'; a charity that has supported and continues to support, children in school following the death of an immediate or close family member.




Please join us for our Jubilee 'Year of Hope' Mass on Friday 24th January.
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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
