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More Park

Catholic Primary School

Year 4 (Raven)


Raven Class


Term 5

Dear Parents,


Welcome to Term 5, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter break and is refreshed for the summer terms.


On Tuesday we introduced our new history topic which is on ‘The Vikings’.  We will be learning about where they came from, when they began to invade and then settle in Britain and how they influenced the country.  We have already created a time line in the first week back, as this is a key skill in year 4.


In Maths we will be carrying over our work on fractions into the start of this term.  The children need some more practice to secure their understanding of adding and subtracting fractions in order to be confident in the reasoning problems.  We will then also be looking at decimals, money and time. Please encourage the children to consistently practice their times tables on TT Rockstars, 10 minutes a day is far more effective than an hour once a week.


In Literacy we have read half of our first book already, ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’, a Myth by ‘Joe Todd-Stanton’.  This book will allow the children to create a descriptive and exciting story involving magical items and creatures before then producing some first person writing as well.  Please remember that the yellow reading records should have inference written in them every night, with evidence to support their answer.


The PE curriculum for this term covers Striking and Fielding on Wednesday which then will lead into Cricket on a Thursday.  As soon as the weather starts to improve, I recommend you send in a hat as PE will be outside whenever possible.  Please make sure that your child has trainers in school for outdoor play, these can also be used then for outdoor PE. 


In Science we will be looking at animals, including humans.  We will cover areas such as; the mouth (chewing and teeth); and the stomach (digestion and how food is processed).


Please do not hesitate to contact me if any concerns or queries arise throughout the year, if you need to speak to me face to face this can currently be arranged through the office. I do also appreciate however that with work and other commitments this might not be possible so have included my email below.



Dates for your Diary:

1st May – KS2 Drama Workshop


6th May – Bank Holiday


10th May - PTA Quiz Night – details to follow


16th May – Music Evening – 6pm all welcome


17th May – PTA Colour Run – details to follow


Kindest regards




Paul Greenwood



We shall be celebrating St George's Day with mass in school
We’ve had 1 0 7 0 6 6 Visitors

Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
