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More Park

Catholic Primary School

Year 4 (Raven)


Raven Class


Term 6

Dear Parents,


Welcome to Term 6, it is hard to believe that another whole academic year has nearly gone by already.


We have introduced our Geography topic which is on ‘Land patterns and use’.  I am trying to secure a trip for us this term and the information will be sent out asap.  We will be learning about agricultural, industrial and residential uses of land, how some of these cross-over and also how different areas develop into different uses.


In Maths we have started working with money and will be moving onto time and shape later in the term.  Time is always a challenging unit and even more so as we live in a digital world.  I would highly recommend that your child wears an analogue watch as by having an analogue watch on their wrist every day they will learn to understand time so much better and will find the whole unit less abstract and difficult.


In Literacy we have read/looked at our new class book ‘Journey’ which is a picture book.  We are creating a lot of inference from the images and using the detail of the pictures to help us write more descriptive expanded noun phrases and speech.  Please remember that the yellow reading records should have inference written in them every night, with evidence to support their answer.


The PE curriculum for this term covers Rounders on Wednesday and then athletics on a Friday with Mr Dickinson from Pass.  I recommend you send in a hat as PE will be outside whenever possible.  Please make sure that your child has trainers in school for outdoor play, these can also be used then for outdoor PE. 


In Science we will be looking back at all of the units we have studied this year and revisiting experiments and improving the skills we have learned.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if any concerns or queries arise throughout the year, if you need to speak to me face to face this can currently be arranged through the office. I do also appreciate however that with work and other commitments this might not be possible so have included my email below.



Dates for your Diary:

10th June – Money Sense workshop


26th June – Olympian visit


28th June – Inset Day


5th July – Sports Day


19th July – Last day of term


Kindest regards




Paul Greenwood



Happy Summer Holidays - See you all back on Wednesday 4th September
We’ve had 1 0 9 8 7 5 Visitors

Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
