Raven Class
Term 1
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Year Four, I hope you have all had an amazing summer holiday and are refreshed and ready for the next year of primary school.
We will be introducing our new topic next week on the Ancient Egyptians. This first History topic of the year will see us refreshing and then securing our understanding of timelines, historical sources and exploring the pyramids, Egyptian life and looking at Egyptologist Howard Carter.
In Maths we will be starting the year in the usual way of refreshing and securing our understanding of place value. We will be following the Power Maths programme but also using some White Rose to support and deepen our understanding in some units. Every week we will have a lesson that focuses on mental multiplication (times tables) as we prepare for the national times table test later in the year. In year 5 and 6, times table knowledge underpins the majority of maths learning and so it is very important that this is a focus in year 4.
In Literacy we will be connecting to our art by reading How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. This is a funny and very descriptive book that will hopefully help inspire the children to create some brilliant writing.
The PE curriculum for this term will be learning about fitness and gymnastics on a Monday and Friday afternoon, led by Mr Greenwood on the Monday and Mr Dickinson on the Friday.
In Science we will be starting to look at living things and their habitats, and developing skills in classification for both plants and animals.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if any concerns or queries arise throughout the year, if you need to speak to me face to face this can currently be arranged through the office. I do also appreciate however that with work and other commitments this might not be possible so have included my email below.
Dates for your Diary: 5th September – Meet the Teacher (15:00) 6th September – New Year Mass 27th September – Harvest Mass 2nd October – Maidstone Museum Trip 23rd October - RE End of Topic Celebration (15:00)
Kindest regards
Paul Greenwood