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More Park

Catholic Primary School

Out of School Club - Breakfast and After School (OOSC)

Out of School Club


We are pleased to confirm we now offer a Breakfast and After-School Club run by More Park School. We are delighted that Mrs Kitchen and Mrs Brunger have joined us in school at OOCS Leader and OOSC Assistant respectively.  Miss Hand will also work with the OOSC in the event of additional staff requirements.


All current More Park pupils are eligible to attend and booking can be made via the school 'ParentPay' system in advance of attendance.  Mrs Knight, Area Business Manager ( Finance) manages the financial queries relating to OOCS and can be contacted in school on 


A wholesome breakfast is available every day consisting of toast, cereals and fruit. After School Club will provide a light tea at the start of the session. We shall also provide a variety of fun activities, these include art and craft activities, puzzles and board games, books and construction kits for imaginary play, as well as the children having access to the outside area. Both clubs will give the children the opportunity to socialise and meet with friends or make new ones from across the school. A relaxed ‘family’ atmosphere is encouraged.


If your child attends the OOSC you will be issued with a direct dial phone number to be used out of school hours in the event of a late collection or change to pick up.  All other enquiries should be directed to the school office on 01732 843047 or 


Childcare Vouchers


We accept several forms of childcare voucher as full or part payment towards both Breakfast and After school club.  If your voucher scheme is not on our list please do let Mrs Knight know and she can arrange for this to be added.





Government Tax-free scheme

Breakfast Club


Opening Hours:  7.15am - 8.45am

Cost: £ 7.70 per session

To include breakfast.  This could be cereal, porridge, toast/bagels, fruit.



After School Club

Opening Hours: 3.15pm - 4.30pm

Cost: £7.70 per session


Opening Hours: 3.15pm - 6.00pm

Cost: £15.40 per session


To include a healthy tea snack.  This could be pizza slice, sandwich, crudites/dip, fruit etc

Terms and Conditions




Please complete the registration form below and return it to Mrs Kitchen or the School Office.


Any dietary, medical or allergy information must be provided. There will not be a registration fee.


Booking a Place:


All places must be pre-booked. Ad hoc places may be available, but this is not guaranteed. They must also be pre-booked no later than 3.00pm the day before required. Do not turn up without pre-booking a place as you may be turned away. 




Payments must be paid via Parentpay in advance. Fees will not be waived through absence and or sickness. If payment is not made then the child’s space will be withdrawn.




If parents/carers do not wish their child to attend a session they will still be charged in full unless agreed by the Headteacher in advance.




Children attending Breakfast Club and After School Club are expected to maintain the high standard of behaviour as during the rest of the school day. Any shortfalls will be dealt with in accordance with our Behaviour Policy.



Standard Terms and Conditions:


Please refer to the Breakfast and After School Club policy for all T&C's


Please join us for our Jubilee 'Year of Hope' Mass on Friday 24th January.
We’ve had 1 1 5 8 0 9 Visitors

Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
