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More Park

Catholic Primary School


Welcome to our Geography Page


The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it is about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together. - Barak Obama 


Progression of Skills and Knowledge

Our progression has been carefully planned to ensure the children are given the opportunity to build upon their prior knowledge, sequentially learn key skills and support the embedding of key information. 

Open the file to find out what we do, when and why. 


Geography Intent Statement



In their Geographical studies we intend for children to become engaged and fascinated by the world God made. Children will leave school with an awareness of the variety of life and environments around the world, with an eagerness to explore. They will understand how our planet responds to physical processes and the impact of our human footprint. School wide, students are taught to respect God’s world and be a positive environmental influence. In their learning, children will be taught to use a variety of geographical resources such as maps, diagrams and globes in order to prepare them for future studies and to gain a broad understanding of how geographical events have impacted on the history of our planet.




Geography is treated as a stand alone subject, encouraging the children to identify and enhance their development of geographical skills. Our humanities curriculum is tailored to offer all year groups three terms of historical study and three terms of geographical study, encouraging focused development of geographical skills. Children are celebrated for their unique skillset and are provided with appropriate learning challenges for the individual. As children progress through the school, our curriculum is designed to provide continuous opportunities to compare and contrast different regions, always using the local area as a foundation. You will see, looking at our curriculum plan above, that comparisons start small and then develop to further locations as the children's geographical skills develop. Intertwined with this are opportunities for the children to learn about the fascinating physical processes of our world, such as volcanoes and tectonics.


Knowledge organisers are tailored to each topic and put into the front of children's books and these knowledge organisers are continually referred to, providing a constant reference point and key vocabulary for the children in their learning. Every classroom has an eye catching Geography display, incorporating key vocabulary and images at an age related level to support learning. Children are encouraged to wonder and awe at our amazing planet, pondering the big questions surrounding our impact as a species and the physical processes of the environment we call home.




By the end of their time at More Park, children have a strong foundation of geographical skills and an understanding of both the physical processes of the world they live in and the impact of humans upon it. By having a secure knowledge of the world around them and a sense of responsibility for its welfare, children can have an informed opinion of the current issues facing the world, including the climate change crisis.



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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
