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More Park

Catholic Primary School


RE Intent Statement


We aim to provide an inspiring curriculum to develop a deep understanding of the Catholic religion. We have strong links to St Thomas More Church and our Parish Priest, who contribute to each child’s religious journey. Through thought provoking lessons, we equip our children with the skills to let them explore, question and discuss different values and beliefs. They have the opportunity to lead on all aspects of school worship, living out the Gospel Values and sharing this with the wider community.  


In addition, we recognise the responsibility of living in a multi-faith and multicultural society and aim to introduce children to other world faiths and practices with an attitude of mutual respect and tolerance.


When children leave More Park, they have a strong understanding of themselves, emotionally and morally, helping them to be able to adapt and cope with the ever-changing world.



Implementation Statement


Religious Education at More Park consists of 10 percent of the weekly timetable for each class. However, Religious Education is not a standalone topic. Teachers are able to integrate Religious Education into different lessons and parts of the school day.  

The teachers teach Religious Education using the scheme, The Truth, The Way and The Life. We feel the scheme is a starting point as teachers are encouraged to adapt the scheme ensuring all pupil’s needs are met and lessons are always related to their lives. Teachers also ensure that when they teach Religious Education that they provide opportunities for the pupils to discuss, reflect and question what they have heard. Tasks in Religious Education will vary by class and by topic but can include writing tasks, construction, role-play, art, music and discussions. Teachers plan tasks which often involve the collaboration of pupils, promoting further discussions and learning.


Religious Education is also taught through our community links where we often welcome visitors and our Parish priest Father Peter Soper. He often visits the school and takes part in discussions with pupils, reconciliation services and school masses. Pupils often go to the parish church to attend Mass and to also learn more about the church.


Impact statement


Through Religious Education children deepen their appreciation of their faith and fulfill their God given talents.  Children are well prepared for the next stage of their education as confident and enthusiastic learners who are witness to Christ in their words and in their actions.


Children produce good quality work which they are proud of, with the majority of children working at age related expectations. Children will develop their relationship with God and become religiously literate.


Children show compassion, justice, love and forgiveness in their relationships with others and are confident, resilient and actively engaged in the wider society.  Children will live out the Gospel Values in an active and positive way, always aware of the presence and love of Christ guiding them.





Pupil Lead Worship

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Religious Education at More Park


Please join us for our Jubilee 'Year of Hope' Mass on Friday 24th January.
We’ve had 1 1 5 8 0 9 Visitors

Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
