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More Park

Catholic Primary School

Catholic Ethos


All classes have taken an in depth look at the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the children have identified its key Gospel Values including love, reconciliation, service, compassion and forgiveness.  The children have spent time learning how they can apply these values to their daily lives.    


One of the core messages from the parable is that we are nurtured through God’s love, helping us to be the best version of ourselves.  Every day in school, we challenge and support the children to do their best; they are reminded that there is only one standard at More Park: their best 


This not only applies to academic standards, but to all aspects of school life i.e. being the best friend they can be, doing their best for the environment or their local community etc. 


To help embed this fundamental principle into the life of the school we consulted with all stakeholders and added the following strap line to our mission statement:

With God's love, we can be our best

Learning on The Lost Sheep


Catholic Ethos

During their time at time More Park, the children are in a school with a strong Catholic ethos. Through lessons, prayer and liturgy, they are able to explore the life of God and develop their spirituality.

The children are given different opportunities to reflect and show their understanding of religion which include; daily acts of worships, masses, assemblies and visits to our church.

We are very fortunate to have Saint Thomas More Church next to our school. We regularly join the local congregation and attend mass. Our Parish Priest, Father Peter, helps and guides the children in their religious journey through penitential services, the sacrament of reconciliation and class talks.


Gospel Values


At the beginning of each academic year, children from across the school come together with Father Peter to discuss and decide upon the Gospel Values for the year.  They talk about the values, their meaning and how they relate to the liturgical year. Each term, the school explores a different Gospel Value and through liturgy, prayer and lessons, children discuss and reflect on what the Gospel Value means to them and how they are able to act it out in their daily life. 


Term Four's Gospel Value


Respect and Responsibility



What do children think of Religious Education at More Park School?


“Through learning about God, I know I can help my friends and family.”

Pupil, year 3

“Through my Religious Education learning, I now want to be an inspirational person”

Pupil, year 5

“Through my learning, Jesus has taught me that I need to be kind”

Pupil, year 2

 “I really enjoy praying, I feel closer to God”

Pupil, year 4

“I like the questions that we are given.”
Pupil, year 5

“I like having a candle in RE, as Jesus is the light of the world and Jesus is with us.”

Pupil, year 1

“I enjoying learning about God”

Pupil, Year 2

 “I enjoy reading passages in the Bible”
Pupil, year 6

 “I like learning about people’s acts of kindness”

Pupil, year 5

“I enjoy learning about religion as it challenges me”

Pupil, year 3

Gospel Value

Still image for this video


This week we are taking part in Mental Health Awareness Week Know Yourself, Grow Yourself!
We’ve had 1 1 6 4 5 8 Visitors

Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
