Designated Safeguarding Lead (including Prevent) in school: Deborah Seal, Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding person in school: Katie Symington, SENCO
Designated Safeguarding person in school: Helena Cole, Wellbeing Lead
Safeguarding Lead Governance Committee Member: Gregory Waight
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people is at the heart of our vision, ethos and working practice. The Trust recognises that all our staff have a responsibility to safeguard children in accordance with the principles established by the Children Acts 1989 and 2004 and related guidance.
All employees, volunteers and governors within the Trust have access to and receive regular training in relation to safeguarding and child protection.
Safeguarding of our pupils is of paramount importance at More Park Catholic Primary School.
All members of staff are subject to a full, enhanced, DBS check prior to employment and 'Safer Recruitment' procedures are followed.
All members of staff receive training on an annual basis to confirm procedures in school. This includes understanding and identifying possible areas of concern.
A clear 'safe supervision' policy is used by all members of staff.
More Park school encourages the use of our 'listening ear' for children to confidentially contact a member of staff regarding any concerns they have in school. This also displays 'Childline' contact details.
Volunteers in school are supervised at all times. Parents volunteering for specific roles in school are subject to a DBS check as they may work unsupervised with pupils present.
All visitors to school are required to sign in at the school office and present identification.
Further information on related policies can be found on the 'Policies page'
More Park Catholic Primary School is committed to the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults within our school community. We will carefully select, train and support all those with any responsibility within the School, in line with Safer Recruitment principles of the KSCB (Kent Safeguarding Children Board).
This means that we will:
Ensure that our recruitment and selection processes are inclusive, fair, consistent and transparent.
Take all reasonable steps to prevent those who might harm children who may be vulnerable, from taking up in our school, positions of respect, responsibility or authority where they are trusted by others.
Adhere to safer recruitment legislation, guidance and standards, responding positively to changing understandings of good safer recruitment practice.
Always seek advice from human resources personnel to achieve best possible practice.
Ensure training on safer recruitment practice guidance is maintained and relevant to current legislation and guidelines
Ensure our systems for monitoring adherence to safer recruitment practice are reviewed on a termly basis and documented as such, at an annual FGB.
September 2016