Welcome to Reception, we are Ladybird Class!
A very warm welcome to Ladybird Class. This is the start of your child's learning journey at More Park, where they will be provided with the foundations of learning for life.
This term we will be learning about…
The children decided last time that for Term 3 they would love to learn about space. We will explore stories such as 'Whatever Next', 'Man on the Moon' and 'Aliens love underpants'. We will learn about the different planets and focus on our planet Earth.
In RE this term we will be exploring how 'Jesus Loves us'. We will be learning how to show God's love to one another.
Transitioning into primary school can be a very big step for our children. We are aware this can cause some anxiety, particularly for children who need to know their routine and environment. With this in mind, I have made a little mini video blog so that the children can join me in the classroom set up process, and recorded some story time sessions to support us getting to know each other.
General Information
Staff in Ladybird Class
We are very lucky to have lots of adult support in Ladybird Class. Miss Murray is the class teacher and she is supported by Mrs Vaughan and Mrs de la Hoyde. Mrs Dowd is also in class every Tuesday afternoon.
Food and Drink
Please send your child into school with a full, labelled water bottle every day. The children have free access to their bottles throughout the day and naturally the water is replenished when needed. The children in Ladybird Class are given a piece of fruit every day at snack time, so you do not need to bring a snack into school. All children are given a healthy free school meal in the EYFS and KS1, but children are also welcome to bring in a packed lunch if they would prefer.
In Ladybird Class, the children commence home reading once they are settled in school full time. Our book change day is Friday and you will be sent home two sharing books and a decodable book. Children will also be issued with an e-book that will be the book they have been independently reading in reading skills that week. Please ensure your child reads at least 5 times a week, leaving comments and signing the reading record. We begin with wordless books, where the focus is on creating the story from picture queues, before moving onto decodable books based upon the sounds that the children have learnt in class. All parents are issued with a 'Phonics Communication' book, which we will update weekly with the sounds taught in class. This is helpful in supporting parents to know which sounds children have been introduced to, if they would like to do any learning at home.
Please ensure that all school uniform, PE kits and coats are labelled. This makes it easier for the children to find their belongings independently and prevents items not being returned. Ladybird Class has a Forest School session every Friday afternoon, so they will also need a fully labelled puddle suit and wellies brought into school. These will be sent home at the end of every term for you to wash and check sizing.