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More Park

Catholic Primary School

Forest School



At More Park our Forest School intent is to provide a nurturing space that supports our children’s wellbeing by providing positive outdoor, child-led experiences in a natural setting.  We aim for children, of all abilities, to have the opportunity to thrive and develop confidence. Learning about nature, within nature, with an element of managed risk and problem solving, they develop the resilience and self-esteem which will support them throughout their lives.




At More Park we are very lucky to be situated in a rural area which lends itself to giving us plenty of outdoor space. Our Forest School is easily accessible to all children and provides an area for them to develop their practical skills and embed learning in the natural environment through challenges and problem solving.  The use of real tools gives the children the opportunity to learn new skills in a managed way, but with an element of risk.


Early Years and Key Stage One visit Forest School, for an afternoon session, on a weekly basis.  Key Stage Two use the Forest School area on a rota basis as well as to support other areas of the curriculum such as Science. Throughout the academic year Forest School is used to facilitate whole school curriculum days eg during book week when children gathered around the fire circle to read each other stories whilst enjoying a hot chocolate.




With all children having the opportunity to participate in Forest School, we are ensuring that they all have the opportunity to experience nature and understand the world around them, which they may not have been able to experience otherwise.  This in turn supports their development and empowers them to achieve their holistic potential.


Please join us for our Jubilee 'Year of Hope' Mass on Friday 24th January.
We’ve had 1 1 5 8 0 9 Visitors

Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
