The wearing of school uniform is compulsory at More Park School as it gives a sense of identity and prevents conflict over the suitability or otherwise of clothing for school. In the interests of health and safety, jewellery is NOT to be worn to school.
School Uniform Clarification
It is expected that all families support the dress code, and should expect children to be spoken to by teachers if they are not in uniform – Followed by a uniform infringement slip if an issue persists.
Girls: A purple cardigan or V-neck jumper (not sweatshirt material).
A white long or short sleeved blouse/shirt that can be done up to the neck to ensure the tie sits smartly.
A purple and gold striped tie buttoned up to the neck. Short ties and fat knots are not permitted. No clip on ties.
A grey skirt or pinafore of a sensible length i.e. to the knee, miniskirts are not appropriate
In the summer term a sensible length, purple checked gingham school dress.
Grey, black or white socks (knee length) or tights in winter. White knee or ankle socks not trainer socks in the summer.
Sensible black flat, not open toed shoes. No boots and No ballet style slip-ons.
Boys: A purple cardigan or V-neck jumper (not sweatshirt material).
A white long or short sleeved shirt with a tie as above.
Grey Trousers. Grey short trousers allowed in summer term.
Black or grey socks, no trainer socks.
Black smart shoes that are not trainers or overly resemble trainers.
Hair, make up etc. (Health and Safety)
Sensible hair styles and no hair products.
Hair must be tied up once shoulder length. Loose hair is not permitted.
Hair accessories should be minimal and of school colours.
No shaved patterns in hair. No hair shaved at number one.
Make up and nail varnish are forbidden.
Wrist bands, even for good causes are not allowed in school.
Small studs are allowed on non PE days and must be taped up from home if ears have been newly pierced. Earrings must not be worn on PE days for Health and Safety reasons. School will not tape ears for children.
PE Kit
White school logo t-shirt or plain white tee (no Polo shirts).
Black Plimsolls.
KS2 ONLY - Plain black or navy Jog/ track suits are allowed for outdoor not indoor games lessons during the winter months At this time trainers are permissible.
The above should all be named and PE kit should come to school in a named and separate bag.
Our logo items, school ties and coloured specific uniform (jumpers, coats, school dresses) can be purchased at Summer lilac dresses are also available to purchase from local retailers. Trousers, skirts, shirts (white cotton) etc. can be bought from other High street outlets.
Additional Uniform requirements
All children will need either wellington boots or waterproof trainers for outside play during the Winter months
Reception and Year One require a waterproof suit/jacket/trousers for weekly Forest School sessions
We encourage parents who's children may have outgrown uniform to donate this to the school. This then allows us to try and support parents with second hand uniform when required.