A young carer is someone aged under 18 who helps care for a parent or family member with a long term illness, disability (including autism), mental health issue or substance abuse problem.
This covers both the physical and emotional factors involved in caring, therefore your child may qualify as a young carer without actually partaking in any physical acts of caring. There are over 10,000 young carers in Kent and research suggests that there could be an additional 30, 000 yet to be identified.
Support offered in School for Young Carers
If additional support is requested, we also refer to outside agencies, such as the school nurse team and early help services.
More Park have strong links with Kent Young Carers who come to visit the children in school and invite them to the services they provide, (see link to web page below).
If you think your child may be a young carer please email Mrs Symington or Miss Cole for more information, or have a look at the Kent Young Carers web page.