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More Park

Catholic Primary School

Year 2 (Dragonfly)


Welcome to Dragonfly Class!


What are Dragonflies learning about?

The class topic for term 5 is...
Significant People

This is a History unit studying the significance of Florence Nightingale. The class will learn about her life and her achievements and the impact that she has had on healthcare today.

Class Information


Staff in Dragonfly Class
We are very lucky to have Mrs Delahoyde in our class. She will be supporting the class with their learning every morning.


The children are able to change their books when they come into school on their allocated day (as allocated in their reading records). The children should have read 5 times each week, during their book change day, either me or Mrs Delahoyde will check that their reading record has been filled out and signed. 


Please ensure all uniform, PE kits (and individual items), bags, hats and scarves are named. We endeavour to return as much as possible but without names it makes returning lost things really difficult.

Drink and fruit
Your child will need to bring in a named water bottle each day. We are able to refill the bottles if needed. Your child will receive a fresh piece of fruit or vegetable daily for their mid-morning snack. If you would like your child to have milk please contact the office for further details.


Homework will be set on Edshed each Friday to be completed by the following Friday. Spellings will also be sent home on a Friday and the following Friday the children will do their spelling test, please ensure spelling books are in school each Friday for this.



If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me either through the school office or email me at

Mrs Thresher


Useful websites to support your child's learning A game to practise number bonds, addition, subtraction, doubling, halving and multiplication. What score will you get in 60 seconds? - A chance to practise decoding and blending through lots of different games. Buried Treasure is always a favourite! A chance to practise multiplication and division. Karate Cats lets you practise a range of Maths Skills. Small Town Superheroes lets you develop your

skills in different areas of English such as suffixes.


Happy Summer Holidays - See you all back on Wednesday 4th September
We’ve had 1 0 9 8 7 5 Visitors

Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. More Park Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
